Career Gateway
Career Gateway (CG) is a professional development resource for undergraduate, graduate students, and veterans with disabilities to experience work-based field placements, internships, networking and employment opportunities with employers who value disability inclusive diversity in the workplace. Throughout the academic year, students registered with DRS can prepare for work after graduation while participating in these CG activities.
Career and Internship Opportunities
Career Gateway partners with local and national employers that support disability inclusive diversity. Gain valuable work based experience through internships, mentoring and employment.
Disability Network Resources
Whether you are seeking an internship for the first time or building upon past experience, CG can connect you to a national network of employers eager to diversify their workforce with qualified new talent. Career Gateway students are given the opportunity to attend national career conferences, federal job fairs and corporate mentoring programs.
Career Center
Visit the Career Center website for an extensive listing of career and disability resources. Learn about the services offered at the Career Center and access Handshake to connect with all the employment opportunities Temple University has to offer.
Get Started!
Register on Handshake and download a Workshop Verification form to complete your required professional development training at the Temple Career Center or individual school/college. Once your resume, cover letter, and mock interview are complete, schedule an appointment with the Career Gateway intern at 215-204-1280 and bring a saved copy of documents with signed Workshop Verification form to complete your registration.
What Students Are Saying
“I know how important it is for individuals with disabilities to be competitive in the job market. Participation in the Federal Workforce Recruitment Program and Career Gateway has allowed me to be able to work strategically to advance my career development skills.”
Trenaya Reid, Political Science Major, Intern Career Gateway
“Temple Disability Resources & Services helped me secure an amazing opportunity to work in a billion dollar industry and to become a part of American history.”
Marina Krug, Business Major, Intern, Defense, Supply Agency